Birdhat, Street Artist
Birdhat is a Sydney based Street Artist focused on high quality urban art that improves place and is G rated.
Emilya Colliver, Art Pharmacy
Art Pharmacy is an online gallery that hosts regular pop up shows around Sydney.
Read our spotlight interview with Emilya here.
Shay Koren and Steven Bachmayer, Train Tracks
Train Tracks host popup musical experiences on public transport.
Kim Wan, Designing Out Crime UTS
The Designing Out Crime research centre is internationally recognised as a leader in innovative, creative and socially responsive design.
Alexandra Iljadica and Jo Baker, Youth Food Movement
YFM is a growing generation of young Australian's who have the capacity and motivation to demand and support a healthy and secure food future.
Stephen Moore, Roberts Day
RobertsDay are Town Planners and Urban Designers passionate about shaping great places.
Read our spotlight interview with Stephen here.